From Somersham, past fruit orchards to Colne

Good points of this route, four miles of easy walking, are that in spring and autumn there’ll be fruit blossom or fruit in the orchards along the route, the footpath will go amongst golden wheat in late summer, and The Green Man pub is half way.

Not so good is that the route is not circular so you have to retrace some of the walk, and Colne village is a big disappointment. This is no doubt because of a disastrous fire in 1844, which means most of the village is now 20th century housing. Although there still remains several 17th century houses and a late 16th century house these are not particularly noticeable.

The old church to the north west of the village was mostly destroyed by the fall of the tower in 1896, a few walls and some gravestones remain as well as a bench to sit and meditate. So the church you'll pass in the village is relatively new.

Opening times for The Green Man in Colne are 12:00-14:30 Tue to Fri (note, shut Mon lunchtimes), 18:00-23:00 Mon to Fri, 12:00-23:00 Sat, 12:00-22:30 Sun.

Start this walk at the free car park in the centre of Somersham (where the yellow cross is shown on the map, click to enlarge). Walk back up Church Street, turn right into the High Street, and finally follow the road to the right into Colne road. You'll find the footpath a bit down Colne Road on the right.

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